Ecuador - 2007
Near Quito

In July-August 2007, a fortnight after Drew was born (and after we visited him in Perth), we visited South America for our third time.

(59-days - Melbourne - Auckland - Santiago - Buenos Aires (Argentina)  - Iguassu Falls (Argentina and Brazil) - Buenos Aires - Salta -
Atacama Desert (Argentina and Chile) - Santiago - Quito (Ecuador) - Galapagos Islands - Quito - Bogata (Colombia) - Cartagena (Colombia)
  - Bogata - Caracas (Venezuela) - Angel Falls (Venezuela) - Caracas - Santiago - Auckland - Melbourne)

Pululahua Volcano

At the Equator near 
La Mitad del Mundo, a park with this monument on the Equator.
 Charles-Marie de La Condamine made measurents in 1736 which gave rise to the metric system
 and proved that the Earth is not perfectly round.

Modern GPS measurements have shown that this site is out by about 200 metres.

  There is another park on the site as measured by GPS.

A pre-Columbian archeological site near Quito.

After 2 nights in Quito (following our 11 nights in the Galapagos Islands) we flew to Bogata in Colombia.