Lake Bunyoni - 2008

Lake Bunyoni is a pleasant spot

I made a new friend ...

This man is a teacher at the local school

These 2 ladies are his grandmothers

At the local school there were volunteers helping out with games during their lunch hour.
Children in each grade wore the same coloured uniform.

This building doubled as the church and the nursery school.
It had an earthen floor and one table.

Akampene (Punishment Island)
The Bakiga tribe used to leave unmarried pregnant girls on this small island  to die of hunger,
or by drowning while trying to swim to the mainland (swimming skills were rare).
This was to educate the rest, to show them not to do the same. 
A man without cows to pay the bridewealth could go to the island and choose a girl to marry.
The practice got abandoned in the first half of the 20th century.
There are still some old women living today, who once had been left on the island.