Bishkek - 2013

Bishkek is the capital and largest city in Kyrgyzstan.
The name is thought to derive from a Kyrgyz word for a churn used to make fermented mare's milk (kumis),
 the Kyrgyz national drink.

Our first stop was at Victory Square with its yurt-shaped World War 2 monument.
It is a popular spot for wedding photos.

The population of Bishkek is about 900,000.

The main post office.

Fighters for the Revolution Square (October Revolution in Russia).

 A statue of Urkuya Salieva.
She has been trying to establish education for
women in Kyrgyzstan.
 As most people did not want any changes in social laws,
she was been locked inside her own house by the villagers and burnt.

The "White House", the presidential office building.

Fish in a family way???
Pike in a family way means it is cooked using a family recipe. It tastes like home food.

Very fatty kebabs.