
Coba is at the centre  of the largest network of stone causeways of the ancient Mayan world, and it contains many engraved
 and sculpted stelae that document ceremonial life and important events of Mesoamerican civilization.

Coba was estimated to have had some 50,000 inhabitants at its peak, and the built up area extends over some 80 km².
The bulk of Coba's major construction seems to have been made in the middle and late Classic period,
about 500 to 900 AD, with most of the dated hieroglyphic inscriptions from the 7th century.

Views from the top of 42m high Nohoch Mul

With fellow travellers Kelsey, Vanessa and Lydia on top of Nohoch Mul

Being able to climb the pyramid (Nohoch Mul) at Coba was one of the highlights of my 44-day Central American trip in 2019.
You are no longer able to climb the pyramid at Chichen Itza.