Tikal was the capital of a conquest state that became one
of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya.
Though monumental architecture at the site dates back as far
the 4th century BC, Tikal reached its apogee during the Classic Period,
c. 200 to 900 AD.
During this time, the city dominated much of the Maya region
politically, economically, and militarily, while interacting with areas
throughout Mesoamerica
such as the great metropolis of Teotihuacan in the distant
Valley of Mexico.
There is evidence that Tikal was conquered by Teotihuacan in
the 4th century CE.
Following the end of the Late Classic Period, no new major
monuments were built at Tikal and there is evidence that elite palaces
were burned.
These events were coupled with a gradual population decline,
culminating with the site’s abandonment by the end of the
In 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Palace
Temple V
My travelling companions for the third segment of my
Central American trip.
Back row ... Sophia - our tour-leader from Guatemala, Robert (Calgary,
Canada ... my room-share), Flavio & Nina (Switzerland), Luke
Front row ... with Kelsey (Melbourne), Hayley (Newcastle), Vanessa
(Switzerland), Lydia (Germany), Tania (Melbourne).
The royal bed in the palace
Overlooking the Plaza
Temple II. 38 metres high, we climbed it later,
hoping to see the full moon rise.
Temple III, 55 metres tall.
Temple IV, 65 metres tall, the highest pyramid at Tikal. We
climbed it to see the sunset.
The views from the top of Temple IV
Sunset from the top of Temple IV
With Sophia, our tour-leader on top of temple IV.
On top of Temple II.
We were hoping to see the full moon rise. Unfortunately it
was too
On my 44-day Central American tour, I spent one night on
an overnight bus, one on a plane and one in a tent.
The rest were in either hotels or guest houses.
The one night was in a tent at Tikal National Park.
My orange tent is partly hidden by the bush.
Like the other Mayan sites that I visited on my Central American trip
in 2019, Tikal was a great highlight.