Santiago - 2007

In July-August 2007, we visited South America for our third time.

(59-days - Melbourne - Auckland - Santiago - Buenos Aires (Argentina)  - Iguassu Falls (Argentina and Brazil) - Buenos Aires - Salta -
Atacama Desert (Argentina and Chile) - Santiago - Quito (Ecuador) - Galapagos Islands - Quito - Bogata (Colombia) - Cartagena (Colombia)  -
Bogata - Caracas (Venezuela) - Angel Falls (Venezuela) - Caracas - Santiago - Auckland - Melbourne)

After our great time at Angel Falls we flew back from Caracas via Lima to Santiago in Chile.

We left Ben and Crystal at El Colorada Ski Resort and then we spent 2 nights in Santiago.

We saw quite a number of Australian wattles in their streets

We then flew to Quito to continue our South American trip.

After great times in The Galapagos Islands, Colombia and Angel Falls in Venezuela we returned to Santiago.
We had a day visit to Valparaiso.

Zoologico Santiago.